I schemed these quite awhile before I could make the time to actually sew them. The fabric is a lovely green Japanese suiting from The Fabric Store, which fit my vision of slightly scruffy and yet very cool man pants just right. I read through the (few) blogs available to help me out - is it just me or are old blogs vanishing as Google supplants them by paid search content??
Anyway those blogs were useful, and I ended up removing 2" from the rise. They have a very long rise. I cut size 36, no other modifications.
I don't think I enjoyed the fly particularly. As usual, reinventing the wheel is annoying, everyone does it differently, there are 1000 methods and I don't really KNOW one of them so well to use it all the time so I always follow the fly instructions. The results are fine, the fly looks good.
Pants are a satisfying sew! Wool suiting is a great fabric to sew with, very well behaved. I love how there is elastic hiding in the back waistband of these - which in my case is very barely doing anything, and yet it cinches my waistband in just right.
Total success, I love these pants. They are exactly what I hoped for - a high waisted pant that will go with everything cropped. A new shape, because we are kind of sliding out of the old shapes and into the new shapes lately. I've noticed that in my dissatisfaction with my current jeans. It's good to have some basic shapes, but as the styles change it's *exciting* to have new and different shapes too, and that's where sewing comes in. Now that my new sewing room is up and working it feels like I can do anything!
Also a sad wave goodbye to Deer & Doe patterns - one of the best (for my body shape) and will be sorely missed. I know companies come and go but it seems like we had a dreamy decade with indie companies backed by drafting education, and supported (or hashed apart) by bloggers with engineering minds. Now everyone is selling a pattern on etsy and half of them are other people's patterns : (